martes, 9 de enero de 2018

Pteris vittata

Sangrando en verde: Pteris vittata, absorbe arsenico para

La afinidad del helecho Pteris vittata por el arsenico parece un contrasentido. ? Como se explica que la extrema toxicidad de este metaloide le. Distribucion por provincias: Alicante. Islas Baleares. Valencia. Distribucion por islas: Mallorca.

Distribucion general: Paleotropical. Epoca de floracion: Julio. General. Classification. Legal Status. Wetland. Related Links. Pteris vittata L. Show All Show Tabs ladder brake. General Information. Symbol: PTVI. Group: Fern.

Information on Ladder Brake, scientifically known as Pteris vittata in the Encyclopedia of Life. Pteris vittata, commonly known variously as the Chinese brake, Chinese ladder brake, or simply ladder brake, is a fern species in the Pteridoideae subfamily of.

Introduction. Pteris vittata, also known as Chinese brake or ladder Fern, is native to China. It is found in the Southeastern United States including Florida.

Pteris vittata. INTRODUCTION. Pteris vittata. Terrestrial or lithophytic, it is an invasive plant. It it is known to be a hyperaccumulator plant of arsenic used in. Helecho perenne. Rizoma corto, robusto, rastrero.

Frondes con la lamina foliar hasta de 1cm, lanceolada, atenuada en la base, pinnada. pinnas 10-pares.. The mechanisms of arsenic (As) hyperaccumulation in Pteris vittata, the first identified As hyperaccumulator, are unknown. We investigated the interactions of. A greenhouse experiment evaluated the effect of phytoextraction of arsenic from a contaminated soil by Chinese Brake Fern (Pteris vittata L.) and its subsequent.

Pteris vittata sporophytes hyperaccumulate arsenic to to of their dry weight. Like the sporophyte, the gametophyte was found to reduce arsenate. Pteris vittata Benzilan, buy Pteris vittata Benzilan for sale from Plant Delights Nursery, award-winning mail order perennial plants on-line. buy Chinese Table.

Range Description: This species has a sub-cosmopolitan distribution, from the Mediterranean south throughout sub-Saharan Africa south to the Cape and east.

The Arsenic Hyperaccumulator Fern Pteris vittata L. QING-EN XIE, †. XIU-LAN YAN, ‡. XIAO-YONG LIAO,* , ‡. AND XIA LI* , †. State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell. Arsenate interferes with enzymatic processes and inhibits inorganic phosphorus ( Pi) uptake in many plants.

This study examined the role of..

Phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated soil by Pteris

Morphological and ploidy changes of the arsenic hyperaccumulator, Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata) callus tissue are described here to. Pteris vittata L. Taxonomic Serial No.: 17706. (Download Help) Pteris vittata TSN 177brake fern. Species, Pteris vittata L. – ladder brake, Chinese brake.

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