viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


Familia: Aizoaceae

140. Aizoaceae. 1. Caracteristicas. Porte: herbaceo o sublenoso, erecto o decumbente, a menudo carnoso, anual, bienal o perenne. Hojas: simples, enteras.

The Aizoaceae is a very large family, largely endemic to Southern Africa, with at least 1genera including over 18species. A few species are found in. Aizoaceae. The family Aizoaceae is in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants). Statistics are at the bottom of the page.

Nombre Familia: AIZOACEAE. Descripcion: Familia con muchos taxones en Sudafrica y zonas vecinas, con 1generos y unas especies. Aizoaceae or Ficoidaceae (the fig-marigold family or ice plant family) is a family of dicotyledonous flowering plants containing 1genera and about 1900.


AIZOACEAE Mart. Habito: hierbas o subarbustos, anuales o perennes, suculentas. Estipulas: usualmente ausentes o pequenas. Hojas: opuestas. Aizoaceae.

Hierbas anuales o bienales, sufrutices o raramente arbustos.Hojas alternas u opuestas, simples, planas o de seccion circular, semicircular o. Name Aizoaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. Type genus: Aizoon L. For more multimedia, look at Aizoaceae on media Commons.. Familia: Aizoaceae.Origen: Sudafrica.Caracteristicas: planta suculenta que es rastrera, crece de forma rapida y es buena para cubrir el suelo. Tallo ligeramente.

The Aizoaceae is one of the succulent families placed within the Caryophyllideae , order Caryophyllales (Behnke Mabry, 1994), presenting betalain as the. J. K. Small (1933) included the Molluginaceae and genera of the Aizoaceae (e.g., Cypselea, Galenia, Sesuvium, and Tetragonia) in Tetragoniaceae. In contrast. Referencias: Boetsch, J. R. The Aizoaceae and Molluginaceae of the L. A. The genera of Molluginaceae and Aizoaceae in the southeastern United States. Information about culture and species of this succulent family, formerly known as mesembryanthemaceae.

Includes photos, botanical classification, and links to.

Abstract. The Aizoaceae is the largest family of leaf succulent plants, and most of its species are endemic to southern Africa.

To evaluate subfamilial, generic. Information on Iceplants, scientifically known as Aizoaceae in the Encyclopedia of Life..

Neotropical Aizoaceae - Neotropikey from Kew

35. Aizoaceae. Aizoaceae. Number of species, worldwide and in Europe. The Aizoaceae family includes 1genera with 25species. Most of the species. 1995). Currently genera are recognised (Table 1).

The Mesembryanthemoideae are remarkable among the succulent Aizoaceae for their diversity of life- and.

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