viernes, 14 de junio de 2019


Araliaceae - Laboratorio de Sistematica de Plantas Vasculares

Araliaceae. ARALIACEAE Juss. Habito: arbustos, lianas o arboles, ocasionalmente hierbas, a veces hemiepifitas, aromaticas. Estipulas: usualmente presentes. 470. Araliaceae. 1. Caracteristicas.

Porte: arboles, arbustos, hierbas, a veces trepadoras. Hojas: grandes y compuestas, alternas, con pequenas estipulas y. Araliaceae. araliaceas. Habito: generalmente arboles de madera blanda, arbustos, lianas lenosas o hierbas perennes. Hojas: alternas o rara vez opuestas o. Familia ARALIACEAE. Arboles, arbustos y plantas herbaceas con hojas normalmente alternas y con frecuencia compuestas y de gran tamano. poseen.

Araliaceae is a family of flowering plants, also known as the Aralia family (after its type genus Aralia) or ivy family. The family includes 2species of trees.

Araliaceae. The family Araliaceae is in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the bottom of the page. ARALIACEAE*. Por Ana Rosa Lopez Ferrari. Herbario Metropolitano UAMIZ. Depto. Biologia, Division Ciencias Biologicas y de la Salud. Universidad Autonoma.

Araliaceae, the ginseng family of flowering plants, in the order Apiales, comprising approximately 7species centred in Southeast Asia and tropical America.. Araliaceae Juss. Including Botryodendraceae J.G.

Agardh, Myodocarpaceae Doweld. excluding currently Umbelliferae-Hydrocotyloideae. Habit and leaf form. ARALIACEAE. ? wu jia ke. Xiang Qibai (? Shang Chih-bei)1. Porter P. Lowry II2.

Trees or shrubs, sometimes woody vines with aerial roots, rarely. Araliaceae. The Araliaceae are mostly tropical shrubs and trees comprising about genera and 7species.

The leaves are alternate or rarely opposite. (2012) Phylogeny and diversification in the Melanesian Schefflera Clade ( Araliaceae) based on evidence from nuclear rDNA spacers, Syst. No characters are always present in Araliaceae. However, the presence of flowers usually grouped in umbels or capitula and nectariferous discs is useful for.

Fruto, drupa o baya.

La familia Araliaceae consta de unos generos y 750 especies, principalmente tropicales. En el Ecuador estan representados 5 generos. N. 1. a family of mostly tropical trees and shrubs and lianas: ginseng. hedera.

Webster.s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 19by C. G. Merriam Co..


Apiaceae and Araliaceae (Apiales) represent a particularly troublesome example of subfamily are more closely related to Araliaceae than to other Apiaceae. Noun, 1. family Araliaceae - mostly tropical trees and shrubs and lianas: genera Panax and Hedera family Araliaceae - mostly tropical trees and shrubs and.

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