Commelina diffusa. Family. Commelinaceae. Botanical Name. Commelina diffusa Burm.f. Burman, N.L. (1768) Fl. Ind.: 1 t. f.2. Type: . Common name. Genus, Commelina L. – commelina, dayflower.
Species, Commelina diffusa Burm . f. – spreading dayflower, climbing dayflower. Direct Children:. Nombre comun: Hierba de pollo, tripa de pollo, hierva de agua, monte de agua, canutillo.
Clasificacion: Hoja ancha. Habitat: Es comun en cultivos, rastrojos y. Save Our Waterways Now (SOWN) is a community-based volunteer environment organization restoring habitat in Brisbane.s Enoggera catchment., Commelina. Facts About. Climbing dayflower is a spreading annual that roots at the nodes.
It has a pantropical distribution, and is found mainly in states from North Carolina.
C. diffusa is reported as a principal weed of bananas in Mexico and Hawaii. of beans, oranges, lemons, grapes, apricots, coffee and cotton in. Commelina coelestis, C. diffusa, and C. erecta are often grown as ground covers because of their sprawling habit and their small blue flowers.Especially in..
ITIS Standard Report Commelina diffusa
Commelina benghalensis in particular has been the most reported species with several . Commelina diffusa occurs as a weed in crops in countries and. From Commelina diffusa a tisane is made to treat high blood pressure and bladder infection. A suppository of the stem lubricated with castor oil (Ricinus.
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