Selaginella - , the free encyclopedia
Selaginella is the sole genus of vascular plants in the family Selaginellaceae, the spikemosses or lesser clubmosses. This family is placed in the class. CARACTERISTICAS GENERALES.
En el genero Selaginella (familia Selaginellaceae), halla numerosas especies de plantas siempreverdes que son cultivadas. . Las selaginella son bastantes comunes con los licopodios. son plantas bastantes delicadas,con tallos muy delgados,rastreros y trepadores llegando a algunos. La Selaginella lepidophylla es una planta que pertenece a la familia de las Selaginellaceae original del desierto de Chihuahua, caracteristica de zonas.
Nombre cientifico o latino: Selaginella spp.Nombre comun o vulgar: Selaginela, Doradilla, Siempreviva Familia: Selaginelaceas (Selaginellaceae). Genero que. 1. Microsporofilo con microsporangio, 2. Macrosporofilo con macrosporangio, 3. microfilo dorsal, 4. macrofilo dorsal.
Selaginella denticulata microfilos en 4. Spikemosses are among the few surviving members of the lycophytes, an ancient group of plants whose origins can be traced back as far as 4million years.. Science. 20May 232(6032):960-3. doi: 1126/science.1203810. Epub 20May 5. The Selaginella genome identifies genetic changes associated with.
Six Shades of Selaginella. Many of us have had our hearts broken by this temperamental and delicate mistress. It all starts with nothing more than an innocent. Selaginella (spikemoss) is an enigma in the plant kingdom. Although a fascination to botanists at the turn of the twentieth century, members of this genus are.
La Selaginella lepidophylla es una planta que pertenece a la familia de las Selaginellaceae original del desierto de Chihuahua, caracteristica de zonas. Summary: Blue iridescence is most common in the genus Selaginella. The two taxa analysed here are native to the extreme shade of humid tropical forests: S.
El genero Selaginella Pal.-Beauv. (Selaginellaceae, Lycopodiophyta) en el oeste del Estado de. Mexico, Mexico.Acta Botanica Mexicana, num. 1 septiembre. Sequence analysis tools accessed from the Genome Context View menu use the current genomic region as input. Or, to access the same tools without a..
The Rainforest Garden: Six Shades of Selaginella
Selaginella pallescens, habito, notense los sistemas de tallos aplanados que simulan frondes, PN Palo Verde, Costa Rica. b. Selaginella marginata, detalle de. Jan 20The spirally arranged stems of the spikemoss Selaginella lepidophylla, an ancient resurrection plant, compactly curl into a nest-ball shape.
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