miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015


Silybum - , the free encyclopedia

Silybum (milk thistle) is a genus of two species of thistles in the (daisy family). The plants are native to the Mediterranean regions of Europe, North Africa, and the. Silybum marianum has other common names include cardus marianus, milk thistle, blessed milk thistle, Marian thistle, Mary thistle, Saint Mary.s thistle. Am J Gastroenterol. 19Feb.93(2):139-43.

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) for the therapy of liver disease. Flora K(1), Hahn M, Rosen H, Benner K. Related terms. Asteraceae, BIO-C , Bull thistle, cardo blanco, Cardui mariae fructus, Cardui mariae herba, Cardum marianum L., Carduus. Silybum es un genero de plantas fanerogamas de la familia Asteraceae, natural de la cuenca mediterranea.

Los miembros de este genero crecen como plantas.

Background. Milk thistle has been used medicinally for over 0years, most commonly for the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders. Silymarin comes. Propiedades medicinales del Cardo mariano (Silybum marianum).

Os he hablado muchas veces de la alcachofa y de este magnifico Cardo. El cardo mariano es unico en su capacidad de proteger el higado y que no tiene equivalente en el mundo de las drogas farmaceuticas.. El cardo mariano es originario de Europa y Asia, pero se ha naturalizado en America del Norte y del Sur.

Consumer information about the medication MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum) - ORAL, includes side effects, drug interactions, recommended dosages, and. Etimologia: el nombre del genero Silybum se refiere al nombre dado por Dioscorides a ciertos cardos comestibles. el calificativo de marianum. Silybum marianum is an erect, annual (or biennial in California) herb growing from one to two meters tall with solitary purple flower heads -5. Silybum marianum, Cardo mariano.

Cardo con tallos de a 1cm, raramente mas cortos, glabros o ligeramente aracnoides - pubescentes. Las hojas.

Silybum marianum(milk thistle) has been used for centuries as an herbal medicine for the treatment of liver disease. Its use for liver disorders dates back to Pliny.

CARDO LECHERO (Silybum marianum). Fuente: Medline Plus Hierbas y Suplementos. Historia. El cardo amargo se ha utilizado medicinalmente durante mas..

MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum) - ORAL side effects, medical

Go to Print Version. Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Taxonomic Serial No.: 38413. (Download Help) Silybum marianum TSN 38413. Dec 20The milk thistle Silybum marianum L. Gaertn belongs to Asteraceae family.

It is an annual or biannual herbaceous plant that is widespread in.

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