Convolvulus arvensis - ficha informativa - Conabio
Convolvulus arvensis L. Correhuela El genero Convolvulus en el sitio Muestras Neotropicales de Herbario, del Field Museum, Chicago. Images. Synonyms. Classification. Legal Status.
Related Links. Convolvulus arvensis L. Show All Show Tabs field bindweed. Image of Convolvulus arvensis. (Convolvulus arvensis) Dos campanillas. Acceso a la pagina de presentacion. Acceso a la pagina de claves de simbolos.
Acceso a las paginas de indices. Dicotiledoneas plurianuales. Correhuela menor. Convolvulus arvensis L. Convolvulaceae. Cotiledones en forma de corazon en el apice. Hojas en forma de. Convolvulaceae. Convolvulus arvensis L. Correhuela.
7. Fotos 1-© Pedro Tenorio Lezama 20Inicio (Home) Datos de las fotos.
Tallos volubles. Hojas pecioladas. Jan 20Appearance: Convolvulus arvensis is a perennial vine. It is weak-stemmed and prostrate. Stems twine and can grow to ft. ( m) or longer.
Convolvulus arvensis, Correhuela. Hierba perenne, con rizomas ramificados, mas o menos pubescente, con pelos de 3-mm, patentes, erecto-patentes o.. Appearance: Convolvulus arvensis is a perennial vine.
It is weak-stemmed and prostrate. Stems twine and can grow to ft. ( m) or longer. C. arvensis has. Convolvulus arvensis, a dicot, is a perennial herb or vine that is not native to California. it was introduced from elsewhere and naturalized in the wild. La correhuela perenne (Convolvulus arvensis L.) es una de las especies de maleza mas comunes y problematicas que se asocian al sorgo para grano.
Field Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis. Bindweed family (Convolvulaceae). Description: This introduced perennial plant is a vine that produces stems 2-4. long. Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). Click on images to enlarge.
Life stages of Field bindweed. Identify a weed. List of all weeds. Key to weeds in turf.
Field bindwee Convolvulus arvensis, is a native of Eurasia that first was documented in California in 18in San Diego.By the first quarter of the twentieth. Introduction. This article focuses on one of the most difficult to control weeds in Oregon (and the rest of the U.S.). Field bindweed.s (Convolvulus arvensis)..
Calflora: Convolvulus arvensis
Convolvulus arvensis is a PERENNIAL CLIMBER growing to m (6ft 7in). It is hardy to zone (UK) 5. It is in flower from Jun to September, and the seeds ripen. Nombre comun en catalan: Campaneta.
Corretjola de conradis. Corriola. Nombre comun en castellano: Campanilla de pobre. Correguela menor. Distribucion.
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