SANITIZED(R) - Colchones y ropa de cama
Evitelo con la funcion higienica Sanitized : esta incorporada de manera permanente en el colchon o en la ropa de cama y protege eficazmente de bacterias. Sanitize - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Tr.v. san i tize san i tiz ing, san i tiz es.
1. To make sanitary, as by cleaning or disinfecting. 2. To make more acceptable by removing unpleasant or offensive. To free from dirt, germs, etc., as by cleaning or sterilizing.
2. to make less offensive by eliminating anything unwholesome, objectionable, incriminating, etc.:. La funcion higienica Sanitized aporta frescor, bienestar y proteccion a los materiales. SANITIZED AG es lider global en el ennoblecimiento antimicrobiano con.
Antimicrobial Sanitized treatment for textiles and polymers, permanently protected against bacteria growth, dust mites and the development of mildew, mold and.To make (something) free from dirt, infection, disease, etc., by cleaning it: to make (something) sanitary.: to make (something) more pleasant and acceptable by. Synonyms for sanitize at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. After sanitizing, it passes the username, raw username (the username in the parameter), and the strict parameter as parameters for the sanitize_user filter.
Sanitize_title() is in a class of functions that help you sanitize potentially unsafe data which allow you to pass an arbitrary variable and receive the clean version. Synonyms for sanitized at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. A page of a classified document that has been sanitized for public release. This is page of a U.S.
National Security Agency report on the USS Liberty. Apr 20Whitelist-based Ruby HTML and CSS sanitizer. Contribute to sanitize development by creating an account on GitHub.
Once your equipment is clean, it is time to sanitize it before use. Only items that will contact the wort after the boil need to be sanitize namely: fermentor, lid. Will be sanitized to . download now.
Limitations. This is a basic implementation of Caja-HTML-Sanitizer with the specific purpose of mitigating against persistent..
Function Reference/sanitize title WordPress Codex
Sanitization. Example #Sanitizing and validating email addresses.
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